Principles and goals
The Demixium body of knowledge is built on the following key principles and goals
Demixium principles
- The quality (including cost and speed) of a product (or service) is a function of the process that delivers it
- Performance improvement = function(current best practices adoption)
- Growth = function(Rapid | Iterative| Improvement & Learning)
- Dynamic = function(Create | Evolve | Perfect) © Demix (Pty) Ltd
Demixium goals
- Processes must be developed with a purpose (what the process must achieve) and value (achieve its purpose most effectively in terms of current know-how possible).
- Provide a common framework to support organisations adopting quality standards such as ISO 9001, COBIT, BPCMM and CMMI v2.
- Protect investments made in previous quality models (for example CMMI v1.3) and the migration to new releases (for example CMMI v2).
- Provide a library of “what”, “how” and “how to measure”.
Demixium corollary
- If a process is done for the sake of having a process, it may cause bureaucracy and may impact cost, quality and speed. This should be avoided. (See Demixium principle 1 and goal 1).
Knowledge | Experience | Results
Knowledge >> What
Experience >> How
Results >> Performance